When we chose to help, to contribute, to reach out, that’s when we create change in Whitfield and Murray Counties. One moment of compassion and generosity makes it possible for anyone in our community to recover from a crisis, rebuild what was lost, and reimagine a new kind of future in 2022.
This December, when you give to United Way of Northwest Georgia, you will be helping people change their lives. Together we can:
Create strong starts for children
Through early education reading programs like Power Lunch, we make sure all children are reading at grade level. Through our three Born Learning Trails, we also promote early learning and family health. This past summer, we put over 6,000 books in the hands of children through our Power Lunch program. United Way partners with Whitfield County Schools to give out books at their summer lunch sites. We increased our Power Lunch sites from 12 to 28.
Provide safe homes and warm meals
In North Georgia, 1 in 8 adults and 1 in 5 children struggle daily with food insecurity. We increased our support for people experiencing homelessness and hunger in our community, especially as the needs rose during COVID-19, and have remained high this year. United Way with our Community Partner, Salvation Army, provided over 4,000 individuals and families with housing assistance and over 23,400 with food assistance. United Way with our Community Partner, Meals on Wheels, provided over 57,000 meals to home-bound elderly.
Give more youth career training and support
The right training can help more people get hired, increase their salary, and improve their financial stability. In 2021, in partnership with S.T.E.P Studio, we created 10 videos for our Career Exploration program. This workforce development program helps individuals and youth explore career paths and helps make our local economy stronger.
Increase access to health care
Resources like United Way Community Partner, DEO Clinic, and United Way 2-1-1, provided over 5,300 people with connections to critical health services and care in 2021. Every person in our community should have access to what they need to have a stable, healthy life—to thrive, rather than to just survive.
We need to do more than adapt to a post-pandemic world. We need to build a better one. Today we ask you to join us in making your personal investment in United Way of Northwest Georgia. When we Unite, we improve lives.
Help us reach our goal of $10,000 by December 31, 2021. The $10,000 will go toward our overall campaign goal of $4.125 million, which supports the education, basic needs, and health of individuals and families in Whitfield and Murray Counties.
Work this important is never over or done alone. Can children, families, in Whitfield and Murray Counites count on you? Make a donation to United Way of Northwest Georgia and Unite for More Today.
With deepest gratitude,
Amanda Burt, President
Tim Baucom, 2021 Board Chair
P.S. You may be eligible for a charitable deduction in 2021, even if you are taking the standard deduction. For most single-filers, up to $300 in donations to charity are deductible. For couples filing jointly, up to $600 in donations is deductible.